Sunday, February 21, 2016

Rules of success #5: How to earn money online at SFI: goal-setting and planning

95% of all people never take the time to set goals. Why? Takes too much time. Guess who the other 5% are? The successful ones. Succesful people set goals and they make sure they reach them. One of the most powerful tools is actually to set goals. Studies show that students that set goals for themselves generally end up in the top percent of their class.

If you think of the people that you know are succesful you will probably come up with the following adjective:

Purposeful (EN). MĂ„lmedveten (SW). Doelbewust (NL). Util (SP). In the other languages that I speak it is a word that creates a direction. You set a goal and that means you are moving in that direction, one step at a time. Very powerful: once you have set a goal, print it out and hang it somewhere you can see it every day. Sounds childish, but it really works, it has been proven scientifically. You can also read it aloud to yourself. For this to work though, you have to formulate it as something you have already accomplished. Not as something you wish, not as something you are someday going to obtain. "I am earning $1000 a month in December 2018." Not "I am going to be rich someday."

One of my favorite tabs in the SFI website is exactly that Goals tab. In order to earn the day's point, you have to record what you actually did today (or are planning to do) in order to reach your goals. This always sets me to thinking what I am actually DOING towards obtaining my goals. And what is it I actually want out of life? I know. I want to be rich, not famous. I want to be doing things I like in order to get rich. And most of all I want to be happy and healthy. OK. So far so good. Now I have to think what I am actually going to DO to reach all that. Because if I don't think my life is that good right now, I have to start doing something about is never going to do it for me!

This gets me to the second important point. Planning. You have to have a plan. A plan is a series of connected actions that will lead you to a predestined goal. If you want to be succesful in online marketing you have to approach it as you would any business. You have to make a business plan. It may be quite rudimentary at first, just the skeleton, and you "flesh it out" as you go along. You may change it as you find out what works and what does not. But if you do not make any kind of planning you are probably not likely to succeed.

The first part, the goal-setting, is made easy for you at SFI, because you have to set/review your monthly goals and then record your daily actions to reach your goals. The planning part however is entirely yours. What are you good at? Are you a person with a large social network? Then trying to recruit other affiliates and selling TripleClicks products via your network might be the first item in your planning. If you are not so good in social networking but good at the internet, online advertising might be your thing. I myself have a good business network from my earlier own company. So my main thing is approaching small companies to sell via the TripleClicks website. It takes more time and patience than recruiting affiliates, but it is rewarding since any E-Commerce Associate that is actually selling will give me income for the rest of my life.

That is what residual income is about. Generating income that will just last and last into the future. It takes time and effort to set up, but it will pay off in the end.

I would advise to try all the six methods of earning money and seeing what fits your personality best. The most important thing is you have to see this as a serious business. Take the first 6-12 months as your training period. Things will start happening but you have to work at it every day, just like in every other serious business. Those people that are earning a good income at SFI have not gotten there overnight. All of them have set goals and have planned how to obtain those goals. Then, they have actually gone out and done the things they put in their planning. Very few people earn serious money without setting goals and without planning how to reach them.

What others are saying about SFI

"I am so HAPPY I found SFI! I've tried every program out there. SFI is the only one that has given me what I was looking for. SFI delivers. If you're looking for a way to create residual income for your family, DO IT TODAY! SFI is fun and the most cost effective home- based business out there. They do what they say they will do."
D. Smith

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