Then I discovered SFI. It is the first online business I have met that does not require you to invest ANYTHING. You can make money at SFI without investing a cent. I know, because there are people on the Forum that explain how they have done it. So how does this work? Well, it looks very complicated but it is actually very simple. SFI, which stands for Strong Future International, has an online store called TripleClicks. If I sell anything from this store, for instance by advertising online, I earn commission. That is the basics. But it does not end there. I try to recruit people who want to do the same. This is called duplication. Anything that the team I have earns, I earn a little from. So I need to have a large and active team. Many of my affiliates are much better at online advertising than I am.
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There are more ways to make money at SFI In fact there are 6 different ways. There are penny auctions called Pricebenders where you can win brand items such as laptops and phones for incredible prices; at least 77% OFF the retail price. When you get other people interested in these auctions they need to buy credits to bid, and that means commission for you. I like to bid myself, and I have actually won a couple of times. There are games, and once again if you can get people interested they need to buy credits, and that means commission. And then there is the possibility of selling your second-hand stuff via the website. I am now five months and I am starting to earn money. Not a fortune, but we are talking residual income here. That means that anything I will build up will remain a monthly income for the future. Not bad, huh? I would like to be totally financially independent. And I will achieve this!
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