Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Rules of success #6; how to make money online at SFI: winning starts with beginning and FOCUS

In this series of posts about the rules of success in online marketing I am focusing on getting started and FOCUS.

The only way you will ever be successful at anything is by starting. If you don't get started nothing will happen. So do not put off things. One of the great things about working from home is that you are free to decide when to work. The danger is that this freedom leads you to doing nothing...or other things than making your business thrive. For it is YOUR business. I am talking about online marketing/affiliate programmes, particularly SFI because that is the first one that worked for me. But it takes some time and effort.

Personal experience: in the first month at SFI, I did my training and reading. There is lots of free training stuff at SFI. After a month I wondered why nothing was happening. I was logging in and making my VP points and that was it. Finally I realized that in order for stomething to start happening I needed to start DOING something. There is only actually one way to earn money and that is by SELLING something, goods or services. If you aren't good at selling, you can build up a team that does it for you. That is the simple basics of SFI and many other online marketing programmes. The different thing about SFI is that there is so much more material and training available, (for free) and that there are many ways in which SFI provides free help, and that you are never required to invest in anything (I currently have an affiliate that is not investing a cent because she cannot, and is still building up her business, albeit slowly).

But the plain simple thing remains that you got to get started. Start advertising. Start approaching small businesses that might be interested in selling online. Start putting up flyers at your local supermarket, your gym. Whatever you can think of doing, start doing it! Don't wait for anybody else to do it for you!

 Another thing that makes people succesful is FOCUS. Anybody who has ever become rich has beeen a person focused on getting there (unless you have the fantastic luck to be born rich), so do not let yourself get distracted by other stuff. Be always on the lookout for opportunities to go forward. Make plans. If they don't work adapt them or make new plans. WORK. But work with focus, not randomly. This means having realistic goals, putting them up somewhere where you can see them, and work every day to achieve them. Take little steps rather than big ones, at least until you can see where you're going. In my experience it takes hard work and especially perseverance to get what you want. Remember: those who quit won't win, and winners are the ones who never quit. (I don't know whose quote this is, but it's a winner!

One of the main problems with new affiliates is that they are looking for a get-rich-quick scheme. While I do not believe in those at all, SFI certainly is not one of those. It is simply a matter of building up your own business, and that takes time and effort. So I am not making any unrealistic promises. I am not saying that you will earn so much in a week. Some may, but most won't. For most it takes at least some months before you start earning any money. But that is better than most self-starters manage... we always hear about the success stories, but the truth is that 80% of all new started businesses have disappeared after 5 years. It is only a few that survive.....because they persist. And build. And work. And dream. And succeed!

"I have just started SFI, and I couldn't believe my eyes. This week, I have had almost 60 people sign up and generated five sales. Just sign up at SFI. It is the best [opportunity] I have seen on the Internet."
J. Pelt

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    how are U?
    nice blog
    ahmad from Luxor - Egypt
