Monday, March 14, 2016

Rules of success # 10: how to earn money online at SFI: some will, some won't. Next!

In any business which (partly) depends on other people to do things for you, you will find that some will, some won't. It is a fact of life at SFI that as soon as you start acquiring team members you will find that many of them never even become active, some will be active for a short while and then give up and only a very few actually stay active. These are the gems, for these are the ones that will be successful. It is also a fact of life that you never can win if you give up.

So it is understandable that many people feel discouraged when they finally have a large team but only a few are doing anything. However, as said before: work with the workers. Give recognition and help to those who are achieving. They are the ones who are building up their business, and thereby helping you build up your business in turn. 

Also it happens that someone who has been inactive suddenly becomes active. But this depends on you. It is important that you keep sending emails with important changes and weekly newsletters. Something may be in these that motivates inactive team members to get interested and start working. It may be a contest that you are offering or a reward such as a gift certificate. They may just have had a very busy period in their life. Who knows? Keep on targeting them, someday they may suddenly see the potential.

Have you given a thought to recruiting affiliates in your friends and family? When you are just beginning you might not want to get friends involved in something that you are not sure of. But it is much easier to guide and help someone who is close to you and make sure that they do not give up than it is with a stranger. Right? 

I have recruited affiliates by going to the local job center. Most people who come there are looking for a way to earn money by looking for a job. They may not be aware of the possibility of starting their own business, certainly not online. But I have recruited quite a number in this way. 

Either way, if someone does not see the potential and gives up there is not much you can do about it. As they say, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. As in all things: never give up, continue building your team and you will find those gems eventually. 

I am so happy I found SFI. I've met a lot of different people with great ideas. SFI also helps you learn step-by-step how to run your own business. I greatly appreciate SFI."
 N. Franklin, Nigeria
"I am so happy I found SFI. I've met a lot of different people with great ideas. SFI also helps you learn step-by-step how to run your own business. I greatly appreciate SFI."
 N. Franklin, Nigeria

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