Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Rules of success #9: how to earn money working online at SFI: positive attitude

Anyone who has ever become successful has had to deal with his or her share of negative thinkers, people who say: you can't do it, it is impossible, you will never manage, do something else instead....
I know from experience, because I have had my own business before, and although many of my friends and family supported me, there are always those that don't believe you can do it. Imagine if you really want to grow big, how much negativity you will encounter. By the way, my business grew by 30-50% each year until I sold it.

Well, beware of that attitude. Shake it off and just go ahead and succeed. Never let someone else's negative attitude stop YOU from growing. Just show them that you CAN. You know what they say: whether you say you can or you cannot, it is true.

Whereas I think I am doing ok and growing, I just noticed someone who started in the exact same month as I did, however he is obviously  much more successful than I am, always being in the top of the enrollment list and now having 25 active PSAs. No idea how much he is earning, but it must be a lot more than me. Am I jealous? A little. Am I discouraged? On the contrary. I am trying to contact him to find out how he does it. Maybe he won't tell me, but it means it is possible to do much better than I am currently doing. And that is a positive thing, because I am not doing badly.

Remember that if you expect nothing to happen, nothing will..... if you expect success, you are halfway there. Always think positive and be thankful for the good things you already have.

What others are saying about SFI
SFI is by far the best online business experience I have had. I have in the past spent too much time on "useless" stuff like playing games and watching movies, but now I commit my time to SFI and will do so for months to come to build a great team. This week I got my first BTL in my downline, and my plan is to have 100 PSAs before end of year. Thanks you SFI for this great opportunity.
M. Germer

"Bravo, SFI! I'm a success-conscious Nigerian who is now an instant leader and on my way to financial independence after embracing SFI marketing and its residual-income earning program. SFI possesses awesome, well-organized, and managed structure that produces the best ever imagined fortune for a committed affiliate in record time. "
K. Sarumi

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