Sunday, February 21, 2016

Rules of success #5: How to earn money online at SFI: goal-setting and planning

95% of all people never take the time to set goals. Why? Takes too much time. Guess who the other 5% are? The successful ones. Succesful people set goals and they make sure they reach them. One of the most powerful tools is actually to set goals. Studies show that students that set goals for themselves generally end up in the top percent of their class.

If you think of the people that you know are succesful you will probably come up with the following adjective:

Purposeful (EN). MĂ„lmedveten (SW). Doelbewust (NL). Util (SP). In the other languages that I speak it is a word that creates a direction. You set a goal and that means you are moving in that direction, one step at a time. Very powerful: once you have set a goal, print it out and hang it somewhere you can see it every day. Sounds childish, but it really works, it has been proven scientifically. You can also read it aloud to yourself. For this to work though, you have to formulate it as something you have already accomplished. Not as something you wish, not as something you are someday going to obtain. "I am earning $1000 a month in December 2018." Not "I am going to be rich someday."

One of my favorite tabs in the SFI website is exactly that Goals tab. In order to earn the day's point, you have to record what you actually did today (or are planning to do) in order to reach your goals. This always sets me to thinking what I am actually DOING towards obtaining my goals. And what is it I actually want out of life? I know. I want to be rich, not famous. I want to be doing things I like in order to get rich. And most of all I want to be happy and healthy. OK. So far so good. Now I have to think what I am actually going to DO to reach all that. Because if I don't think my life is that good right now, I have to start doing something about is never going to do it for me!

This gets me to the second important point. Planning. You have to have a plan. A plan is a series of connected actions that will lead you to a predestined goal. If you want to be succesful in online marketing you have to approach it as you would any business. You have to make a business plan. It may be quite rudimentary at first, just the skeleton, and you "flesh it out" as you go along. You may change it as you find out what works and what does not. But if you do not make any kind of planning you are probably not likely to succeed.

The first part, the goal-setting, is made easy for you at SFI, because you have to set/review your monthly goals and then record your daily actions to reach your goals. The planning part however is entirely yours. What are you good at? Are you a person with a large social network? Then trying to recruit other affiliates and selling TripleClicks products via your network might be the first item in your planning. If you are not so good in social networking but good at the internet, online advertising might be your thing. I myself have a good business network from my earlier own company. So my main thing is approaching small companies to sell via the TripleClicks website. It takes more time and patience than recruiting affiliates, but it is rewarding since any E-Commerce Associate that is actually selling will give me income for the rest of my life.

That is what residual income is about. Generating income that will just last and last into the future. It takes time and effort to set up, but it will pay off in the end.

I would advise to try all the six methods of earning money and seeing what fits your personality best. The most important thing is you have to see this as a serious business. Take the first 6-12 months as your training period. Things will start happening but you have to work at it every day, just like in every other serious business. Those people that are earning a good income at SFI have not gotten there overnight. All of them have set goals and have planned how to obtain those goals. Then, they have actually gone out and done the things they put in their planning. Very few people earn serious money without setting goals and without planning how to reach them.

What others are saying about SFI

"I am so HAPPY I found SFI! I've tried every program out there. SFI is the only one that has given me what I was looking for. SFI delivers. If you're looking for a way to create residual income for your family, DO IT TODAY! SFI is fun and the most cost effective home- based business out there. They do what they say they will do."
D. Smith

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Rules of succes #4: how to earn money online at SFI: leaders are readers

Leaders are readers!

One thing is for sure: the people who have been successful at online marketing are all people who have read a lot. 

Unlike many other marketing businesses that are offered online, SFI offers a plethora of reading and training material, and most of it is entirely FREE! My personal advice to all my new affiliates is (and this is good advice which I got from my own sponsor when I started: it is all too much to take in at once. So give yourself a month to just LEARN. READ. A whole  month? Really? Yep. You don't need a whole month, probably, depending on how quick you are at grasping things. But it does take some time. And there is much reading material available. 

Yet the whole idea is and remains simple, as is explained in something called the SFI Basics that you will always be able to access from anywhere on the website. It is about selling products from TripleClicks and building a team that is doing the same and that generates income for you. All the rest of it, the games, the auctions and so on, are just frill. But there is so much frill and a lot of it is interesting and exciting. 

There is something called the Launchpad, this is 30 daily lessons which you get sent as a new affiliate. The best thing to do as a new affiliate is to read these Launchpads (you even get points for it!) and work off your To-Do list. Slowly you will get the hang of it. 

Then comes the period that you will actually want things to start happening. Unless you are already a very experienced online marketeer you will not see much happening overnight. So many affiliates get disappointed and leave. But if you give up you will never succeed at anything. There are people making lots of money at SFI but none of them have made it overnight. They have stayed and worked and read! There is a Forum which is immensely useful, for every question I have ever come up with is already answered there. Then there is the ASK SC feature where you can submit and answer questions. I have had so many useful and practical tips there.

The main thing is: never stop reading. Never stop asking questions. Never intend to fail. Instead, intend to succeed. 

Besides all the available free reading material there is lots of useful material being sold at TripleClicks at very low cost, such as:

Make exercise convenient with this fantastic six-piece set. Youll get weights, hand grips, jump rope, and thigh exerciser that fit neatly in the hanging display pouch. Hand weights: 8 3/8" long; hand grips: 5" long; jump rope: 117" long; thigh exerciser: 19" long; display: 20 1/4" x 24".
39.95 USD InStock
The Best of the Best: Secrets of the Network Marketing Masters Revealed (2 Audio Cassettes)— €0.44 (Save 97%!)
Secrets of the network marketing masters revealed--in less than 90 minutes! This two-cassette program from Cutting Edge Media will share the secrets that have earned them millions. You'll learn how to recruit, train, and motivate hundreds of new distributors from four of the best trainers in the industry: * Bob Rountree * Jack Zufelt *...

You can actually buy a lot of these products, once you are a little bit active on the website, with Member Reward Points which you automatically accumulate with many actions that you do. I have, for instance, bought a list of 2000 websites for free advertising and a list of 250 Google communities, just using these MRPs, so it didn't cost me any cash. If you want to see them click here

I have recently started up a new project: Wealthy Affiliate. I am very optimistic but just now it is too early to say anything. It is a basically free program with a Premium upgrade possibility like most websites. 

One of these websites has actually tripled/quadrupled the number of pageviews on both of my blogs: Funguppy

What others are saying about SFI
Each day I wake up and sign in to SFI, I feel grateful that I have finally found the right organization. I have been with several other opportunities in the past and none can compare to SFI. With SFI, it's all there for me. Everything I need to be successful is there--all the support I need is there. I am thankful for this organization.
S. Wright 

Secrets of the network marketing masters revealed--in less than 90 minutes! This two-cassette program from Cutting Edge Media will share the secrets that have earned them millions. You'll learn how to recruit, train, and motivate hundreds of new distributors from four of the best trainers in the industry: * Bob Rountree * Jack Zufelt * Doug Firebaugh * Michael Clouse You'll discover where to find the shortcuts to success, the hidden secrets behind a new phenomenon called "Split-Second Recruiting," and much, much more. ABOUT THE TRAINERS: Jack Zufelt is listed as a Who's Who of Human Potential Superstars. He teaches the true cause of all achievement in seminars all around the world. He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Merit by President George Bush. He was honored by the U.S. Senate for helping Americans achieve more in their personal lives and careers. His best selling tape program was featured in SUCCESS magazine twice. His articles have been published in magazines and newspapers in 14 countries. Many featured him on the cover. Michael S. Clouse, Editor-in-Chief, Nexera e-News, former Editor-in-Chief with Upline Journal, is the author of Business Is Booming!, Seven Prospecting Secrets, and co-author of Future Choice: Why Network Marketing May Be Your Best Career move. Certified as a Network Marketing Professional by the University of Illinois, Clouse is an experienced corporate success coach and dynamic motivational speaker. An internationally recognized network marketing expert. Clouse regularly appears on business radio shows, as well as the occasional TV talk show. Doug Firebaugh is an accomplished speaker, writer, and author and an award-winning entrepreneur. He has published numerous articles, has spoken before audiences nationally and internationally, and has trained, directly and indirectly, over 150,000 people with his empowerment materials, tape series and seminars. While in the process of helping others pursue their dreams, he established and built an international business that created multi-millions in sales. He is a recognized authority on leadership and success, and has helped author four books on the subject. In addition, he has been listed in "Who's Who in America." Bob Rountree is the author of "The MoneyBook" and a frequent speaker, trainer and seminar leader that has built million dollar sales organizations in network marketing. He is a master at prospecting and training, and uses his expertise to train people across the country. His best-selling audio tape, "The MoneyTape," is a 100% generic recruiting tape designed to reach prospects at the emotional level where they make decisions. Millions of copies of his recruiting tapes have been sold and are the choice door opening tools used by thousands of distributors in hundreds of companies.
4.24 41
0.49 USD LimitedAvailability

Friday, February 19, 2016

Rules of success #3: how to be successful earning money online at SFI:unlocking your potential

I would at this point like to quote from something SFI founder Gery Carson wrote, because it is entirely true:

"Now, for those who might be thinking, "well, that's easy for you to say, Gery!"…the fact is, I've achieved what most people would say is extraordinary success, but it was not handed to me, not by any stretch. I come from a very small Nebraska town and very humble beginnings. When I started in business I had no business education, no experience, and no money to invest. And it took four long years (the first two moonlighting into the wee hours of the night while holding down a full-time job), before I ever saw a profit. I had no mentors, no great upline leaders or sponsors to guide me, nor any wealthy relatives to come to my aid. But I decided I was going to become successful and I did. And I've put in the work every day for nearly 25 years now to stay successful.'s not your sponsor. It's not your upline. It's not the economy. It's not the government. It's not the compensation plan. It's not any of these things or any other obstacles perceived to be in your way. If you want to become successful, you can go around the obstacles, go over, go under, or go right through them. Success is yours if you want it, but ONLY YOU control this. Always remember: "If it's to be, it's up to me."

This rule is: It's up to YOU. No one else. If you are to succeed, it is going to be YOU who does it. There are very few people who are born rich and only need to keep their family's money (or spend it). Stop finding excuses. It is YOU who is going to succeed because YOU want it. Contrary to what many people think, success is not about being lucky. Success is usually about working hard. Yes, it is easier for those who have started out with some money. But many people who have become rich, have done it from scratch----it is not impossible. You are never going to get really rich by remaining in your steady job. You can only do it by starting your own business. Which is precisely what you are doing when you are starting at SFI. You only have to realize it. 

If you are going to sit down and wait for someone to go and turn your life into a success story..... well good luck with that. I hope you find someone. I, for one, am not sitting down and waiting for anyone.....I am up and running! 

What others are saying about SFI
SFI is more than a MLM (multi-level marketing) platform. Every day, I visit the site, read all articles, perform all due tasks and watch my VPs grow. It is so organised! It has changed my online business. I love it!
G. Ojerheghan 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Earn money by working from home: how to be succesful at SFI #2: lead by example and work with the workers

As said in my earlier post, in order to make online marketing at SFI work for you you have to stick to the Rules for Success. Today I am going to talk about two more important rules to make this work, and how I apply these rules.

Lead by example. One of the most important ways of making an income at SFI is by duplication, that is by creating a team of affiliates under you that do the same as you do: trying to make money. If they are successful you will earn from them. However, you cannot expect them to be active if you are not; you cannot expect them to persevere when you don't; and you cannot expect them to be interested in building their business when you are not.

When they look at your page they should be impressed by all the badges that you have, the number of VersaPoints you have, the times you have won a game or an auction or the Daily Grand or anything else. I have a TopAuthor badge on my page and 3-time winner of the Knockout Trivia (AND then to think that I normally never take the time to play, I am too busy!) and 3-time winner of the Daily Grand (I ALWAYS participate every day as well as in the T-Time and have won several times, this means you win either VersaPoints, Member Reward Points, TCredits or even PSAs or CSAs (your valuable team!)). In other words my badges show my team that I am active and interested and do anything I can to build up my business. (I am otherwise not interested in the badges themselves).

Work with the workers. It is a sad fact that many people sign up and then either never bother with the website again or make a number of VPs and then give up. Those people are no use. Put your effort in those that do believe in this business and that go on even if it goes slowly in the beginning. Answer all their questions, support them with your knowledge, reward them when they do well. I myself have a great upline that has rewarded me with TCredits, CSAs, PSAs and even money, always answers all my questions, and helps me with things such as how to start a blog and a website. I do not need them to motivate me, but it does make my mood better when I get appreciated.

One of the main things to get across to affiliates when they start is that this is a serious business and that they need to treat it as such. I have had my own company before and it takes on average a couple of years before you reach the break-even point. In this business you can potentially reach it in a couple of months. Furthermore SFI provides you with TONS of free training and free marketing methods and marketing aids. Where else do you get that? Most online businesses start with getting money out of you. You do not need to do that at SFI. If you have very little budget and you are just willing to put in time and effort you can succeed. Where else can you do that? SFI now even has a new CSA reward program where you get allocated new CSAs for being active and doing actions. I think it is the greatest thing, because you need to have a growing team. Sooner or later you get active affiliates under you and then you notice that things start moving. Especially when they start getting affiliates under them....

In practice I communicate individually with the workers on my team (you can spot these easily either under your Genealogy tab where you can set the sorting system to the total points the affiliates have, or their latest login date or the TC commissions they have generated) or on the Movers tab, where you only see the active ones) by email or Skype, and I still send a general teammail every Monday to the whole team even if they have not ever generated a VersaPoint. This is because sometimes affiliates suddenly become active after a while, and sometimes it is the promise of a reward or a contest that makes them "wake up". The sponsor of my sponsor had one that became active after more than a year because she offered a free website (and when she told me this, I also got offered a free website, which is now up and running, check it out here). I have started now at site called Wealthy Affiliate.

What others are saying about SFI

SFI is giving me the chance to learn and understand Internet marketing and obtain financial freedom for free. I looked at many other Websites promising financial freedom, but none were free and most were outrageously expensive. I am so glad I found SFI. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a good Internet business to get involved with, because SFI is the most solid system I have ever seen. Highly recommended! Excellent business opportunity for all to discover! Thank you, SFI, for this great opportunity!
M. Ranha 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

How to earn money at SFI: the rules of success: this is serious business

Success does not come automatically. There are rules for it. 
How can you be succesful at internet marketing? There are a number of rules for that. Underneath I am giving you two of them. 

The first rule is that you need to think of your business as a serious business. If you opened up a store, would you expect it to sell stuff if you don't open it and are running it and restocking and advertising and selling? Of course not. The same applies to SFI. Many affiliates who sign up think this is another Get Rich Quick scheme and treat it as such. If then after a couple of days they have logged in and are not yet starting to make any money they give up. But SFI is not another such scheme. It is a serious business and you need to treat it as such. Meaning you need to invest at least time and effort to make it work. SFI does not require you to invest money, and I know people who make it work without any investment, but seriously, at least a pack of business cards makes you look more professional when you approach people. You do not need to invest a lot of money, but if you are able to invest some dollars a month it will pay off much sooner. 

I myself have a standing order for TCredits which automatically makes me keep my EA rank every month and which I can use for bidding on the Penny auctions, for playing the online games, for rewarding my hard-working affiliates and even to buy products at TripleClicks. This costs $29. Wouldn't you be willing to invest that much in a business which hopefully will allow you to quit your job in the future? 

The rule that I apply myself most strictly is: Do at least something everyday to promote your business. Quoted from SFI:

What can you do daily? Here are just a few ideas:

• Follow up with recent prospects. 
• Send out some E-Cards
• Place a classified or other type of ad. 
• Send out some postcards
• Review the LaunchPad Lessons
• Review the Internet Income course.
• Send out a newsletter to your PSAs and your CSAs.
• Read an SFI training article you haven't read yet (or review one you have).
• Contact your sponsor, let him or her know what you're doing.
• Go to Google and search for articles on how to become a better marketer.
• Browse TripleClicks for new products you can recommend to your customers.
• Check the SFI News and SFI Power Tips blogs. 
• Review your Genealogy and TC Member List
• Review the Hit Tracker page to maximize your marketing efforts.
• Start a co-op and invite your PSAs to join.
• Add some prospects to your ECA database. 
• Review your "My Movers" report (on your SFI homepage). 
• Review "My Goals" (on your SFI homepage). 
• Review the latest posts on the SFI Forum

With any business that you start, you would do at least something every day to promote it. SFI is no different. 

Unlike many online programmes where you have to buy the markering stuff, SFI has hundreds of FREE marketing aids that you can use to promote your business. Here is one of them:

Here is what other people are saying: Testimonials! Have a look, it is entirely FREE.

Another free affiliate website is Wealthy Affiliate where I have just started but which I find very promising.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Want to increase traffic to your blog or website? Read this!

Do you want more traffic to your website? Look here. I have 2 blogs. A couple of days ago I submitted a FREE ad to a website and since then my pageviews have literally exploded! Not double or triple but more than 10x the number!!!!
Just click on the follow ing link: Funguppy They have 2 disadvantages: one is they bug you about upgrading to a paid Premium membership all the time, which I am just ignoring, and the second is you have to resubmit your ad daily. Or buy software that does that for you. But still, it is worth it, I think!

Here are my 2 other blogs: and

(new addition) I just started on a new affiliate program Wealthy Affilate, which looks very promising.

Another one is AdBlast
If you have any product or service you want to promote.

If you are an affiliate at SFI (which is FREE) you can actually buy traffic to any website or blog for a very reasonable price.

What others are saying about SFI
I am so glad that I have finally have found something that really works. If you're looking for a home-based business to create residual income for your family, JOIN TODAY! SFI is fun and the best part is that it's FREE to sign up.
S. Sengvixay 

How to earn money working online at SFI #4

According to SFI itself, the most important way to earn money is by duplication.

What does that mean?

Very simply, recruiting other people to do the same thing you are doing, and hopefully better. When you "bring in" a new affiliate under you, and that person either buys stuff from TripleClicks (such as TCredits to bid on the auctions or to play the games) or gets other people to do so, you earn money. Since that person logically also wants to earn money, they will  do their best to use all the six ways to earn money.

Does that make you rich while you are sleeping? Of course not.

Now let us be honest here, for it sounds fantastic, and it does work, but as I said before this is not a Get-Rich-Quick scheme. You have to have some patience for this programme to start working.

How do you recruit other affiliates? There are basically 2 methods:
1. Your "warm market": friends, family, colleagues. Anyone who would like to generate some extra income. Remember, SFI does not require you to do any investment.
2. The cold world out there: mostly reached by advertising. I bought a list of 4000 free advertising websites, basically for free because I used Member Reward Points I earned on SFIs website. Most of them didn't give much traffic but I have found one that has really jump-started traffic to my blogs. If you want to know about that:

If you have a website and you are selling something, sign up. It is free, although they keep bothering you to update to a paid premium membership, but it really increases traffic by tenfolds in just days (how valuable traffic I still have to find out).

So to get back to the subject, how does this recruiting other affiliates work in practice? It differs greatly between persons.

I will give you my personal example. I have been at SFI in five months now, and I am finally generating some income. My team consists today of  61 personally sponsored affiliates and then there are the 83 Co-sponsored affiliates where I am only party sponsoring; I am earning much less on them but I am maybe not doing any work if they have an active sponsor. Of these, two of my PSAs are slightly active; some of them were active in the beginning but gave up when they realized that this is a serious business, not a  Get-Rich-Quick scheme. My CSAs are doing better: 3 of them are very active and working towards building their business. So I am getting some income from my team, but not yet a lot in $$$$. However, SFI has recently started a new programme, which is going to be fabulous for me: I am going to earn CSAs for a lot of actions that I have been taking, and that is going to give me a lot of chances to earn more money.

I have had an own business before, and it took years before it started to generate some profit. Here I am already seeing possibilities for profit in a couple of months.

Given all the free training and marketing methods and marketing aids and programmes SFI is giving us, I think that it is by far the best method I have ever seen. Having said that, it is not going to do that overnight, and I do not want to give anyone joining SI that impression. If you join, you have to be serious about building up your own business.

What others are saying about SFI
"I have been seriously marketing Internet opportunities for a few months now. In that time, I have researched dozens of companies. SFI is simply the most powerful and productive!"
R. Louch

How to earn money by working online at SFI #5: sell your second hand stuff

You are not going to believe it, but you can actually make money by selling your second-hand stuff at SFI. Apart from all the other ways, of which the most important one is getting people to buy stuff, which is not difficult since TripleClicks has almost 90,000 products and more are being added daily, yes you can actually sell the clutter in your garage online. You just have to be a member of TripleClicks and that is entirely for free! 

What others are saying about SFI

After three and a half years online I have found the most professional and best-run opportunity with SFI. The teamwork and support are the best around. My future is now in my hands--and it looks good!

W. Obiero 

Friday, February 12, 2016

How to earn money working online at SFI #3

Personally I believe that the best way to earn income at SFI is the E-Commerce Affiliate referral program. What does this entail?

Simply refer companies that sell products to your RECA Gateway. This is a personal URL that sends the company to the SFI website using your affiliate number. 

The RECA referral program is very powerful because all you have to do is introduce a RECA to TripleClicks and you're all set to earn royalties for life! Every time anyone—anywhere in the world—buys something from one of your referred RECAs, you earn Rewardicals!

Ok. So how do you get companies to sign up for this plan? Well, I have bought RECA flyers for a ridiculously low price at SFI and went to stores around my home and explained to them the benefits. Big companies tend to have their own online presence, but many small stores are just starting, "Looking into it" etc. See, it is completely FREE for them to sign up. That is right. They pay nothing. Only when they actually make a sale do they pay 5% commission.

Everybody knows someone who produces products and is not a large chain. Any of those would be perfect as an ECA. So if you are interested in making money online, and you know some companies who would be interested in selling online, sign up for SFI and start earning some money. 

Tip #1: Buy from your own referred ECAs and receive "rebates" on your purchases.

Tip #2: Refer customers to your ECA's "store within a store" TConnect Websites. With the combination of Direct Commissions and ECA Royalties, you can earn a handsome 55% of the Commission Volume on any sales generated!

What others are saying about SFI

SFI is the best online business; it is second to none. It's business is rocking. Why? SFI has well-organized training, with up-to-date marketing methods and tools. You can start earning just by doing simple actions.
D. Mtitu 

Thursday, February 11, 2016

How to earn money at SFI working from home 2

I recently posted about the first way to make money at SFI, which is: generating sales at the online store and earning commission on it.

Maybe the second way to earn money at SFI will get you interested. This is about collecting VersaPoints. Once you are signed up, there are a number of ways in which you can earn these by performing actions on the website. The easiest thing to do is to follow your To-Do tab, do your daily, weekly, monthly and one-time actions and learn as you go along. You earn points by reviewing news, by playing games and by bidding on the Penny auctions where you can win items at a fraction of the price. You also earn Versapoints for emailing your team, and remember that your team is one of the most important ways to earn income at SFI and which I will next post about.

The number of VP that you earn are important for your rank, which is again important for how much you earn (see Compensation Plan). Every VP helps you towards a share of the TC Executive Pool, and this entitles you to some money generated by TripleClicks sales. It is not very much money but every little thing helps. Part of all sales generated at TripleClicks goes into this Pool and you are entitled to a share of it depending on how many VPs you have! So what are you waiting for? Get on there and start collecting points! Remember, signing up at SFI is free!

My team currently consists of 142 people from all over the world, who are all starting to build up their own business. Join us!

Learn what other people are saying about SFI

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The six ways to earn money by working online with SFI / no. 1

The First way to earn money at SFI

The first way is to earn Direct Commission on products that you helped sell at TripleCLicks, our online store. How do you do that? In Marketing Methods you can learn hundreds of ways. The top easiest:

1. Find products that you are sure of that people you know may like: stamps, fitness items, make-up, toolkits. Click on the SFI affliate tab for all the ways in which you can share this info with other people. Example:

2. Find websites where you can advertise for free (you can even buy these lists from some of our ECA’s see here: Digitale) and advertise for this product under the relevant category.

3. Buy Gift Cards for $.99 each; they are worth 6 TCredits.  Hand them out to your friends and family and colleagues (your „warm‟ market). Put one of the „Ask me about a Free Gift Card‟ images on your Facebook, Twitter and other social media pages.

4. Put up an advertisement for an interesting fitness or weight loss product at the bulletin board at your local gym. Example>

Corset Waist Training Cincher Control Body Shaper— €15.06 (Save 40%!)

Features: Unique seamless details will enhance the stomach area. It's comfortable to wear and enhances your shapes and curves! Can Be Worn Under Any Type Of Clothing Hides Unsightly Bulges! Lifts And Holds Unwanted Areas Shape And Firm Control Problem Areas Look Slimmer And Skinnier Instantly Flatten The Tummy, Control Waistline Specifications: Color: black Size Length 1/2 Waist Suitable for Waist S 24.5cm 28.5cm 57-65 cm M 24.5cm 30.5cm 61-69 cm L 24.5cm 32.5cm 65-73 cm XL 24.5cm 34.5cm 69-77 cm 2XL 24.5cm 36.5cm 73-80 cm 3XL 24.5cm 38.5cm 77-85 cm
18.59 USD InStock

5. Use the marketing aids provided or make your own flyer about TripleClicks; distribute it in your neigbourhood and/or hand them out anywhere there are large numbers of people.

There are numerous other methods but these are the simplest.

Instant FREE AdBlast to 9000+ websites!
Need traffic? Blast your ad for FREE to 9000+ high traffic
websites for FREE! Fast + effective!

What others are saying about SFI
SFI is incredible. I am loving it everyday and enjoying the whole process. It is the best online business I have seen. The system is very user friendly and easy to navigate. I have learned and benefited a lot from Launchpad lessons and daily tips from other affiliates. SFI is a real and true business.
N. Kumar 

Monday, February 8, 2016

My third try-finally success!

I have tried twice before to start up my own business via the internet. The two things I did before required a large investment and needless to say I never saw any money back! 

Then I discovered SFI. It is the first online business I have met that does not require you to invest ANYTHING. You can make money at SFI without investing a cent. I know, because there are people on the Forum that explain how they have done it. So how does this work? Well, it looks very complicated but it is actually very simple. SFI, which stands for Strong Future International, has an online store called TripleClicks. If I sell anything from this store, for instance by advertising online, I earn commission. That is the basics. But it does not end there. I try to recruit people who want to do the same. This is called duplication. Anything that the team I have earns, I earn a little from. So I need to have a large and active team. Many of my affiliates are much better at online advertising than I am. 

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There are more ways to make money at SFI In fact there are 6 different ways. There are penny auctions called Pricebenders where you can win brand items such as laptops and phones for incredible prices; at least 77% OFF the retail price. When you get other people interested in these auctions they need to buy credits to bid, and that means commission for you. I like to bid myself, and I have actually won a couple of times. There are games, and once again if you can get people interested they need to buy credits, and that means commission. And then there is the possibility of selling your second-hand stuff via the website. I am now five months and I am starting to earn money. Not a fortune, but we are talking residual income here. That means that anything I will build up will remain a monthly income for the future. Not bad, huh? I would like to be totally financially independent. And I will achieve this!

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