Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Niche website marketing: Find a great SEO keyword research tool!

buttonSo if you want to make money, what is the best way to sell online? Well I am not an expert yet but I am following an in-depth training at Wealthy Affiliate, which is a website where you can learn how to do niche website marketing. This involves being trained to set up your very own niche website and learning how to optimize it, get traffic and get affiliate programs which you can join so you can sell their products. And that can be anything from physical products (such as TripleClicks) to services (such as SFI) and training.  Once you have your niche website you just post regularly with interesting and true content (product reviews work really well, click HERE for an example) and populate the post with text links, banners and ads. You can advertise to get the website under people's attention, you can use the social media to promote your website, and you can actually buy traffic to your website (I know you can do this at SFI, you have to become a free member though. Learn more...) Numerous possibilities and at most affiliate sites there is some kind of forum or community which will help you with any technical question you may have.

You do not necessarily have to invest money. As a matter of fact many affiliate programs have a free starter program so you can test the waters, so to say. Both Wealthy Affiliate and SFI have a free joining program and you are never required to invest money, contrary to a lot of programs where you need to pay an upfront investment.

One of the most important tools Wealthy Affiliate offers is a program called Jaaxy. When you join as a free member, you get access to JaaxyLite, which allows you a limited number of searches. As a premium member you have unlimited searches and I use it constantly to find good keywords, not only for new posts but also to update the titles and headings and tags for my old posts to make them more attractive. So how does this work? You simply enter a keyword to a subject you are interested in writing about (example: how to optimize SEO for my blog) and Jaaxy will tell you how much traffic there is to this keyword, how often people type it in in browsers (not only Google) and finally, how much competition you have.

There is a training available on Wealthy Affiliate just for Jaaxy, although it is not at all difficult. It will give you the skinny on your keyword and will give you a number of suggested alternatives. You try out some varieties of your keyword and will come up with one or more variants which have good traffic and not too much competition, and you make sure you incorporate these in your posts and blogs. I keep a list of researched keywords with their figures and highlight them when I have used them. I find this one of the most useful things about WA, together with the step-by-step training on how to set up your website. Just keep posting regularly and start another one if you feel you have the time.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

A new strategy for earning income from the internet: niche website marketing

Niche website marketing

I am  just 2 weeks into a new strategy for success and that is the abovementioned niche marketing. What's that? Well, I joined a company called Wealthy Affiliate. It is a free program but I soon upgraded to Premium because I believe in it. I have learned so much in the past 2 weeks that I can't believe it. I have selected a niche (Lose Belly Fat in just 10 minutes a day, have a look at it!) and have started populating it with true content. Then I became approved as an Amazon affiliate plus a couple of other affiliate programs that have to do with health & fitness. I am also still promoting SFI and TripleClicks, as long as I have them. And now I am writing posts and adding advertisements and text links for Amazon and the other Affiliate programs.

So what is the difference with before? I already had a blog on Health & Fitness  and one on Travel, why would I need another one? Because I now have access to a plethora of training about websites and SEO and how to optimize my website, and I have access to a program that does research for me on the best keywords to use, which is the ones with many "hits" (many people that search for that particular keyword) and not too much competition. I make long lists of keywords that are good and these I now incorporate into older posts as well as use them for new posts. I also have Google Analytics for my website so I can see what's happening and where I am being succesful. This is making it possible for me to optimize my older blogs as well so I 'll get more traffic.

Just like SFI it is not a Get Rich Quick scheme. You will have to do a lot of work to make it succeed. But it is so much fun and I am totally excited about it.  It will take some time for the money to come rolling in, but I plan on making more niche websites. Hopefully at some point I'll be able to ditch the boss and go fulltime! For some people finding a niche is difficult, but you can write about anything you are interested in, whether you're an expert or not. I have for instance for my Lose Belly Fat website researched whether the time of day makes a difference for your training (it does) and have on my list, among others, to research cramps and stitches and what your genes have to say about your athletic abilities. Currently I am spending all my free time on adding Amazon ads and text links to my older blog posts.


Sunday, March 18, 2018

Start a successul online business: join the new FREE Rewardical program and get 25 tokens as a bonus.

Tired of all these bogus Internet opportunities? Here is a program that works. And it is FREE.

Moreover, SFI is giving away 25 free Rewardicals if you join for FREE.

What is a Rewardical? Well simply a Radical Reward.

These are cash value tokens that can buy:
1. BitCoin
2. Silver Bullion
3. Cash Gift Cards
4. Affiliates for your Downline
5. Much More

You'll get 25 Free for Signing up. You can then win thousands more
playing games, entering contests and signing up new affiliates.

Go to this link to learn more:

I have won auctions, Daily Grand, Daily Crown, T-time and games. I also earn Rewardicals
every day from my team and my referrals.

But it gets better. You match 10% of the winnings of anyone you refer to the program.

Not only that. If you can refer, say, your local supermarket, gas station or book store to join the
Rewardicals program you get 10% of all the Rewardicals they give away. It does not cost them
anything to join. They just need to pay for those members that do claim Rewardicals.
For them it is a loyalty program that will earn them customers. Moreover, SFI offers the first
1000 Rewardicals for FREE to new sellers. So they can try it out without any cost.
You earn Rewardicals anytime you shop. Win-win, right?

Go to this link to learn more:

I have over 5800 Rewardicals as of today. And here is Achariya.

If you were her sponsor you would win 10% from her winnings. The same for all new people you refer.
And if you refer sellers, whether real shops or online sellers, to Rewardical you will earn 10% of their
sales too. So why not give it a try? The program is entirely FREE to join.

Go to this link to learn more:

Friday, March 16, 2018

How to market your affiliate program by using free advertising

Once you have actually joined an affiliate program such as SFI (you may have others that you want to promote), how do you get people to join? That is called referrals. There are a number of websites where you can advertise for free. These often have even referral possibility themselves, so you are not only promoting your own business but if you get referrals to that website you earn money or credtis which you can use for advertising. So how does this work? Simple. You receive emails with banners and text ads from other members, and when you click on them you receive credits. These you can use to place ads yourself. Other members will read your ad because they receive credits for reading it. And since they are looking for online business opportunities, there is a good chance that they will nap.

Here is a list with websites (yes I am giving this to you for free, as a thank-you for reading this blog):

Instant Banner Ads 4 Me use Promo Code welcome 

http://www.sizzlingsafelistmailer.com/5024  Use Promo Code 2500FreeSilverUpgrades This promo gets you a Silver Upgrade. 

TextAdProfits Signup Promo: newmember Also a weekly Promo, this week is: zppcrb6j Allows Banners and Emails
MyFreeTextAds Has a weekly promo more free ads every week this week is: 6havd0pv

These are very easy to use (I am affiliate at all of them):

  Leads, Leads, Leads!

Wealthy affiliate 

Good luck!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

A new way of earning online: the Rewardical program

I just opened my SFI home site to discover that I have, without doing anything in particular, earned 374 Rewardicals. What are these? They are a token that you earn upon shopping at stores (online or local) that offer them as a loyalty reward. Also we can apparently win them by participating in various activities around the SFI site, such as the famous penny auctions (where you can win items at a few % of the real price) and the games which I would normally do anyway.

Also I earn Rewardicals whenever someone on my team earns them, at a 10:1 ratio. Even better when I am earning money sleeping!

I am not entirely sure yet how this is going to work out as there are a lot of changes going on. But I feel it is going to open up a lot of opportunities. Especially for me, who has been earning a bit of money but not really mind-blowing, I think there might be more opportunities coming up.

For instance, we can earn Rewardicals shopping at our local supermarket. We just need to get them to go along with a program which for them is very easy, giving out a tiny sum just to those who are into the program. It is a loyalty program much like anywhere where you receive points anytime you shop, if you are a member.

The beautiful thing with Rewardicals, as I see it, is that you can redeem them  -as a free member- for silver, Bitcoin, or Gift certificates. You do not have to be an SFI member at all.

For SFI members like me, I can exchange Rewardicals for VPs, which means cash, or team members, which are very valuable to me as a source of income.

promo code: f746e1

Does this sound confusing? Do you want to know more? Just email me at freeteecee66@gmail.com. I will try to explain. It is basically an affiliate program. You can sell products online and earn commission, or get your team (people who sign up under you) to sell and earn commission from them. There are so many products out there to sell: check out TripleClicks. Whether you are interested in gardening, jewelry, sports, pets, or anything else, you can find something you can sell- and earn commission on.

"SFI is simply the most incredible, powerful, productive, awesome and absolutely best system and source of income on the Internet. Just do simple tasks everyday. It's not just earning, it's learning and financially free, while helping others do the same."
 V. Siva, India

Thursday, January 25, 2018

This month's bestseller: commissions from other people selling

Every month I look through my statistics to see where my income is coming from. This month my main income stream is from ECAs (E-commerce affiliates). How does this even work?
I go around looking for mom & pop stores. I approach them with the idea of selling online. I explain that it is entirely free, they get a FREE website for their store, they just have to load up pictures and info on their products and off you go. People order your product, they pay TripleClicks, you send the order and receive your money from TripleClicks.

The beauty of it is - and this is the reason why anyone selling a product or service should join - that there are millions of affiliates like me over the whole world who make their income promoting and selling products. So the ECA doesn't have to do any marketing, the affiliates will do that. Any affiliate can promote any product, but most affiliates choose niche markets and target their promotion and selling.

For me the point is that if I am the one referring (bringing in) the ECA I make commission on everything they sell - for life.  And this is precisely what has brought me most income in the month of December 2017. Not surprising maybe as lots of people buy Christmas gifts online.

Not a TripleClicks Member? It's FREE, Learn more about the many benefits HERE.

I actually have not gone out looking for stores for quite a long time. Instead, I advertise. I have this list of thousands of websites where you can advertise for free. And then I have thought of a new idea: since I speak so many languages I should target the non-English speaking markets as well. Haven't done that yet.

To conclude: if you want to make money working from home, becoming either an ECA (if you have something to sell) or an affiliate at SFI is not a bad start. You don't have to give up your job (until you want to), just start it as a sideline.
"I am so thankful to have found SFI. After many attempts with online businesses, SFI is one that is working, and I am on the way to make money. Thank you SFI! "
 J. MAJHI, India