Saturday, March 11, 2017


Welcome to my blog. If you are here and you are NOT a new affiliate, that is just fine if you think it is interesting. But chances are you are a new affiliate.

SFI is overwhelming at first and now everybody is buzzing about the exciting new Opti-Build and the Builder Bundle. Where to start?

My advice: start with reading all your Launchpad lessons. They are designed to help you get an overview. Do this BEFORE you ask questions at the Forum (it is really annoying all those newbies asking for help before they have looked at the available help.)

There is no requirement for any investment and I would definitely first look around at what's happening. However, this is your new business, not a Get Rich Quick scheme, and what would you do if you were starting any other new business? You would think about having a budget, right? You can build a business without investing money but then you will have to invest a lot of time and effort to compensate.

First of all, you have to decide to take this seriously. If you do not want to try it out for at least a year, don't even start.

There are 6 ways to make money at SFI, but the main thing is very basic: sell TripleClicks products, get a team under you to sell TripleClicks products, and get businesses to sell their products at TripleClicks. However, my main commissions actually come from my team; when they earn VP I earn matching VP; when they buy or sell I get commission. So building a team is very important.

It is not a disaster if on some days you cannot log in. But would you leave your store closed if you had one just because you had a headache or "no time"? Of course not. You would be there every day and do everything to get customers. By not logging in you just lose your streak (who cares anyway) and the opportunity to earn about 13 free VPs per day (which is money). So make it a habit to log in every day. Turning all the tabs green costs around 10 minutes.

And VPs are what it is all about; they determine your rank and with that, your income opportunities. You do not need to get a rank to make money. There are plenty of people who are good at selling and who make a good income just as a plain affiliate. But there are perks to being higher up in rank, such as free TCredits and new team members.

I personally have a Standing Order for 125 TCredits, which allow me to bid at the auctions, which has gained me new team members, and which you can use for countless other things such as selling your secondhand stuff and playing the games. This automatically makes me an EA so I keep all the new team members I get. If you lose your EA status you lose your team. By now my team is about 450 large.

Most months I invest in traffic to this blog or my website. This blog is my main source of new sign-ups. This earns me VPs. 1500 extra VPS earn me the rank of Bronze Team leader, which gives me 10 new CSAs and some other perks.

 Don't forget that you can also buy TripleClicks products with MRP or TCredits, however you do not get the VPs then. There is one very important exception though which has saved my rank many times: you can buy single TCredits for 120 MRPs and then you receive 106 VPs for each. I bought 8 TCredits last week to get enough Versapoints to get BTL status.

I didn't earn any commissions before I was at SFI for a year, but since then, it is increasing every month.

To make a long story short: first determine if you want to try this for a year. The next step is reading your Launchpad lessons anf give yourself time to find out how everything works and what works for you. Log in every day. In time you will discover all the different things SFI offers to help you build your business.

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