Friday, October 28, 2016

Successful online marketing: the power of duplication


As I mentioned in an earlier post, the crux of the matter in online selling is of course selling products. The point is, not everyone is good at that. Personally I am not very good at it and I know it. But there is another solution and this is where I have found SFI to be very helpful. As an affiliate I can gather a team under me, and when they are selling products, I earn a small share of the profit. As a matter of fact when I did an analysis not so long ago of where I make the most money it is actually from commissions that my team is earning. I have tried advertising and though I have compiled a list of free advertising sites that work, it is not my main income.

My team currently consists of almost 300 PSAs and CSAs (Personally Sponsored Affiliates and Co-sponsored affiliates). I have about twice as many CSAs as PSAs, which makes the revenue from both roughly equal because I get a smaller share of the CSA commissions. So how do you get a team?

1. I have obtained a number through personal recruitment: sometimes I go to the local job center and hand out folders; people coming there are usually looking for a job. This gives me around 10 interested prospects per invested hour and only costs time.

2. Then I get new signups from this blog and a website I have about SFI. Apart from "normal" traffic I now and then buy traffic from one of the E-commerce Associates at TripleClicks. I can even use my TCredits and Member Reward Points (these I gather by being active on the website, so basically this means I can buy free traffic) to buy traffic. If I buy traffic outright I earn Versapoints. If I use TCredits or MRPs I don't.

3. You can actually buy signups at TripleClicks, these are obtained through SFI's own advertisements, but there are also a number of ECAs that obtain and sell their own signups through advertising. The cost of these is generally between $1 and $2.50 per signup. But since the chance that they are actually active is not so great, I find it more cost-effective to buy traffic. Over the past year the cost per new signup on average has been around 40 cents for me.

4. Many people obtain new affiliates through the social media. I am not at all good at that, but others are. Especially on Facebook, I understand. Some also involve their family and friends. This is actually a good strategy as there is a greater chance that they will be active.

5. A good strategy is to win PSAs and CSAs at auctions. You need to have the time to sit and observe the auctions. I know one in my upline who regularly wins new affiliates this way (apart from laptops and other gadgets).

5. There is a traffic exchange that I use on which I advertise for free. I have to watch ads for 15 seconds and then I get credits. Once I have enough credits I can place an advertisement myself. The disadvantage is that most people do like me: they only watch the banners to get credits. However, they are obviously interested in making money online, and since the program is free, they might give it a try. This Traffic Exchange gives me the occasional signup.

6. And then there is the obvious other possibility: advertising, on websites as well as on Google communities, in your local supermarket and gym and anywhere there is a bulletin board. And advertising on TV, radio, in papers etc.

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