Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Earn money working from home: other websites that DO work for you (other than SFI)

Right now I have my focus on SFI as you can clearly see from this blog. I believe it is going to make me a nice lifelong income. Right now I am earning some money with it, but not big money. I believe that in order to build up an honest business you usually have to invest a lot of time and effort in it. I have had my own business built up from scratch before, and that is the honest truth for most of us normal people. There are some lucky souls (or maybe they are just so incredibly good) that skyrocket immediately with their newfound businesses, and all luck to them. For most of us it takes longer.

However, before joining SFI I have tried out other businesses, and although I tried two systems that were kind of built up in the same way, as in focusing on both selling products and building up a team under you that does the same, they did not work for me. One of these was a Greens liquid thing in which you had to buy like $120 every month in "healthy" products yourself and try to find other people under you to do the same (with a large upfront investment of I think around $1200 at the time), and the other one was ItWorks! Wraps. I know there are people out there making lots of money with it, but I lost a lot of money with it and the wonderful wraps never worked on me or any other test subject so I am still stuck with like a dozen of them, and to keep up your distributorship you need to invest quite a lot in the beginning for the Newbie Package and then for the maintenance of your website and distributorship it was also a lot of money every month which you have to compensate with sales (which I never did).

Then there is Wealthy Affiliate, which I just recently joined and which is something which will take time to build up, so I can't say much about it yet but I am very positive that it will work.
But there are two websites out there that actually did work in a way, and are still providing me with job opportunities. One is completely free and is actually a social media: LinkedIn. I have had several job opportunities via my contacts. I keep this one "holy" and only for serious stuff. It is only today that I have added two of my blogs to my profile (my Health & Fitness blog: topcat2015.blogspot.se and my travel blog: topcat66blog.wordpress.com). 

The other one is a paid one but it is for once worth its pay and it is called People Per Hour. (peopleperhour.com) If you are able to freelance in absolutely anything, DO pay the one-time fee, I think it was $29, and you will actually have job offers all the time. They are also quite serious about feedback and status in the sense of how good you have performed for customers. Via them, I found a company that I do freelance translations for and we have a long-standing relationship of at least 5 years now in which I have translated hundreds of documents for them. And they pay promptly on the 1st of each month. I still get offered either long-time or one-time translation work from other companies on my email via this site though I have not even visited it in 3 years. Since I am working full-time at the moment I cannot take these but it is telling that they regularly ask. There is another (paid) website called freelancer.com, which also works like this, but they take in general much lower rates for everything. 

There is another site called FiveRR, where people offer their (oftenonline) skills for sale for $5, which I have not visited yet but I have heard really good things about it. There are reviews and rankings of the persons offering their skills. I don't think you  need to pay to join. If you are able to provide, for instance, "likes" to somebody's Facebook site, or visitors, or are able to answer for a small company's Facebook site (post likes and so on) you might be in business. 

I have just joined a site called Paidsocialmediajobs where you apparently can obtain jobs like that, both regular jobs and one-time projects. I have not had the time yet to truly look at it but I will certainly post an update here when I have or when I have found something else that works. There are lots of yous out there that, like me, are looking for opportunities to make money and I think we should help each other when we can. 

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