Thursday, April 19, 2018

A new strategy for earning income from the internet: niche website marketing

Niche website marketing

I am  just 2 weeks into a new strategy for success and that is the abovementioned niche marketing. What's that? Well, I joined a company called Wealthy Affiliate. It is a free program but I soon upgraded to Premium because I believe in it. I have learned so much in the past 2 weeks that I can't believe it. I have selected a niche (Lose Belly Fat in just 10 minutes a day, have a look at it!) and have started populating it with true content. Then I became approved as an Amazon affiliate plus a couple of other affiliate programs that have to do with health & fitness. I am also still promoting SFI and TripleClicks, as long as I have them. And now I am writing posts and adding advertisements and text links for Amazon and the other Affiliate programs.

So what is the difference with before? I already had a blog on Health & Fitness  and one on Travel, why would I need another one? Because I now have access to a plethora of training about websites and SEO and how to optimize my website, and I have access to a program that does research for me on the best keywords to use, which is the ones with many "hits" (many people that search for that particular keyword) and not too much competition. I make long lists of keywords that are good and these I now incorporate into older posts as well as use them for new posts. I also have Google Analytics for my website so I can see what's happening and where I am being succesful. This is making it possible for me to optimize my older blogs as well so I 'll get more traffic.

Just like SFI it is not a Get Rich Quick scheme. You will have to do a lot of work to make it succeed. But it is so much fun and I am totally excited about it.  It will take some time for the money to come rolling in, but I plan on making more niche websites. Hopefully at some point I'll be able to ditch the boss and go fulltime! For some people finding a niche is difficult, but you can write about anything you are interested in, whether you're an expert or not. I have for instance for my Lose Belly Fat website researched whether the time of day makes a difference for your training (it does) and have on my list, among others, to research cramps and stitches and what your genes have to say about your athletic abilities. Currently I am spending all my free time on adding Amazon ads and text links to my older blog posts.