Thursday, January 25, 2018

This month's bestseller: commissions from other people selling

Every month I look through my statistics to see where my income is coming from. This month my main income stream is from ECAs (E-commerce affiliates). How does this even work?
I go around looking for mom & pop stores. I approach them with the idea of selling online. I explain that it is entirely free, they get a FREE website for their store, they just have to load up pictures and info on their products and off you go. People order your product, they pay TripleClicks, you send the order and receive your money from TripleClicks.

The beauty of it is - and this is the reason why anyone selling a product or service should join - that there are millions of affiliates like me over the whole world who make their income promoting and selling products. So the ECA doesn't have to do any marketing, the affiliates will do that. Any affiliate can promote any product, but most affiliates choose niche markets and target their promotion and selling.

For me the point is that if I am the one referring (bringing in) the ECA I make commission on everything they sell - for life.  And this is precisely what has brought me most income in the month of December 2017. Not surprising maybe as lots of people buy Christmas gifts online.

Not a TripleClicks Member? It's FREE, Learn more about the many benefits HERE.

I actually have not gone out looking for stores for quite a long time. Instead, I advertise. I have this list of thousands of websites where you can advertise for free. And then I have thought of a new idea: since I speak so many languages I should target the non-English speaking markets as well. Haven't done that yet.

To conclude: if you want to make money working from home, becoming either an ECA (if you have something to sell) or an affiliate at SFI is not a bad start. You don't have to give up your job (until you want to), just start it as a sideline.
"I am so thankful to have found SFI. After many attempts with online businesses, SFI is one that is working, and I am on the way to make money. Thank you SFI! "
 J. MAJHI, India